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5. Battery Compartment. 6. Locking Bolts. 7. Reset Button. 8. Security Cap !! Do not store access keys inside your safe !! Enquiries Ph (03) 9786 0055 Do not store emergency keys inside your safe! 5. 9. 6. Door Handle. 7. Battery Compartment. 8. Locking Bolts. 9. Reset Button. Open the Key Box (refer instructions above) 2. Choose your 4 digit code 3. With the Key Box Internal Door facing you (the Reset Button should be on the RightIf you need instructions or product information on newly purchased digital safes, letterbox, speed humps and more, Sandleford has quick reference electronic For security purposes you will need to change this to your own personal code by following these steps: 1. Press the reset button. A 'beep' will sound. 2. Input
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